Trap Neuter Release Scheme

Neutering is one of Cats Protection's aims.  In relation to feral cats it is important in order to -
  • Reduce the prevalence of infectious diseases such as FIV, FeLV, flu etc. - these are often transmitted between cats when fighting (which entire cats are more likely to do) or during mating
  • Stabilise feral colonies

Feral cats are those that have not been socialised during their key period of development (up until 8-12 weeks of age).  We CANNOT rehome feral cats and if they are not neutered and their offspring are also feral then the colonies will grow very quickly.  

We offer humane traps on a weekly loan (or more) basis so the customer can trap the cat safely (for both cat and human) and take it to the vet who will neuter it.  Cats Protection will issue vouchers to the vet to cover the cost of neutering these feral cats.  Once neutered the cats must be returned to the original place they were trapped - it is important that the cat knows where it is to increase the ability to fend for itself successfully. 

Trapping may be a lengthy process but the benefits are great!

We are also looking for VOLUNTEERS to go out from the Centre to trap ferals at certain locations we are aware of.  For more information call the centre or email us!