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Contact Us

**The Carmarthenshire branch is currently closed but we hope to reopen soon. Any donations are still gratefully received as they will go towards supporting our essential cat care work in surrounding areas. You can find advice, support and general Cats Protection service information here.**

Thank you for your patience while our team responds to your query. If you have an urgent enquiry or emergency please contact your vet clinic as our phone lines and emails are not constantly manned.

Please use the following email address: enquiries@carmarthenshire.cats.org.uk
Telephone: 0345 260 1382

Contact us

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We'd love to keep in touch, by telling you about our work with cats, inviting you to support fundraising appeals, join events, campaigns or to volunteer. Rest assured, we'll never swap or sell any details about you with other organisations.

If you'd like to receive information in the following ways, please tick accordingly:

If you'd prefer not to receive information by post, please tick this box

If you wish to change the ways we contact you, please contact Supporter Services by telephoning 0800 160 1012 Monday to Friday during office hours (9am-5pm), emailing supporter.services@cats.org.uk or writing to us at Freepost Cats Protection.

We will also process your data for administrative purposes and to contact you about your enquiry.

Please visit www.cats.org.uk/terms-privacy if you have any questions about how we use your data.