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Contact Us

Branch postal address: Cats Protection, PO Box 79082, London SE12 2DX

Co-ordinator: Clare via coordinator@eltham.cats.org.uk

Homing and fostering: Diane on 07591 120331 or via adoption@eltham.cats.org.uk

Neutering vouchers and advice: Diane via the number above or neutering@eltham.cats.org.uk telling her the name, age and sex of your cat/s plus your name, address, phone number and which vet you use.

Treasurer: Michelle via treasurer@eltham.cats.org.uk

Membership secretary: Sue via membership@eltham.cats.org.uk

Secretary: Lesley via secretary@eltham.cats.org.uk

Lost and Found: Sam via our dedicated Lost and Found page on Facebook or at lostandfound@eltham.cats.org.uk

Social media: Sam via socialmedia@eltham.cats.org.uk

Telephone: 07591 120 331

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Please visit www.cats.org.uk/terms-privacy if you have any questions about how we use your data.