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Help ensure that children learn at school about what pets need to be healthy and happy

25 March 2013
Help ensure that children learn at school about what pets need to be healthy and happy Write to your MP about the new draft curriculum for primary schools.

The Government is reviewing the National Curriculum for England with the aim of making sure children get the essential knowledge they need in core topics.

Teaching children to care for and respect animals from an early age is essential - it can bring about positive change for animals and society as a whole. Problems of neglect, cruelty and abandonment are often due to a lack of understanding about what an animal needs, how to care for it and how much that costs.

For every one cat adopted through Cats Protection ten are given away or worse still abandoned.

Cats Protection is a member of the Animal Welfare Education Alliance: AWEA (an alliance of over 20 animal welfare charities including RSPCA, Dogs trust, Blue Cross and Battersea Dogs and Cats Home). The Draft Curriculum for primary schools is out for consultation. AWEA thinks the Government has missed the opportunity to include reference to all five basic needs of animals– as set out in the Animal Welfare Act (2006). That’s why we are asking supporters to email their MP before 16 April 2013 when the curriculum consultation closes. 

You can add your own words about why you feel passionately that children need to learn about animal welfare at school. The email will go automatically by postcode to your MP.

Thank you - with your help we can ensure that the pet owners of the future treat pets with love, kindness and, above all, an understanding of their needs.