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150ft abseil in aid of Cats Protection

70 Year Old Pensioner Jumps off 150 Foot Cliff to Help Save Cats !

Well not exactly' jumps' but George Russell is doing a sponsored abseil for Swindon Cats Protection ... more like a controlled descent with ropes. Not everyone's cup of tea even for many much younger and fitter people. Even cats would not attempt this!!!

George is a seasoned veteran volunteer with CP and asks for your support with a little bit of sponsorship. This will boost his ageing ego and also help the work of Cats Protection in Swindon.
What crazy things we do for cats when we get a bit older!

Many thanks, George

Event is on Sunday, 8 March 2015 from 09:00 to 19:00 at the Avon Gorge in Bristol

If you would like to sponsor George in aid of Swindon Cats Protection, please either contact Swindon CP or you can go to Georges just giving page. Sponsor forms are also available in our charity shop in Regents Circus in Swindon.

Swindon CP: 01793 644536 or email cats@swindoncp.co.uk