
I thought I'd give you an update since Midge came to join our family. It really was like he was meant for us. He was so happy and settled from day one, we really couldn't believe it. He's such a happy little chap, and has made friends with new brothers and sister, and even settles down in their beds with them for a nap some nights He's a bit of a Mommy's boy though, and is especially happy cuddled up to me on my lap. He likes to follow me everywhere in the house, even if it means he sometimes accidently dips a paw in the bath with me! Midge is full of life, and loves to play with everyone. He's an affectionate little boy who just adores his new family, this is evident in his content face as you will see in the pictures.

One of his favourite places is any window ledge he can get on. He just loves watching the birds and squirrels in the garden, and the occasional feline passing through. I do have to watch my step when he's in one of his especially cheeky moods as my feet get a good grappling. And as far as he's concerned, if it's food it should be his even when it isn't! He loved the Christmas tree going up, and was incredibly restrained - he didn't climb it once. Though he did give the baubles a good bash, and he chewed on the branches when he thought I wasn't looking! Midge is an absolute delight, and has settled into the family perfectly.
