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World of Felix tokens update - just over three weeks left!

07 August 2015
World of Felix tokens update - just over three weeks left! The World of Felix token redemption scheme has been a huge success for Cats Protection, but after 10 years of World of Felix the time has come for the campaign to end.

But don’t worry, World of Felix won’t be closing until the end of August, so you still have just over three weeks to use any tokens that you have already collected. The campaign closure does not affect our relationship with Felix either, who will still be working closely with us in the future to help the many cats in our care.
Please note that the campaign is closing on 31 August 2015, so after this date Felix tokens will no longer be redeemable. 
Therefore, if you have any tokens left and would like to donate them to Cats Protection please follow the online process for Felix tokens found at www.worldoffelix.com by this date. Alternatively, your local Cats Protection branch or adoption centre may be happy to accept your tokens before this date. 
For more information about the World of Felix campaign and its closure, please visit the World of Felix website. On behalf of all the cats and kittens in our care, thank you for supporting us through the World of Felix campaign.