Toby's Tale


It was last November and Toby was in a dark place, he wasn't sure what he had done wrong or why he had ended up there. He was in a black plastic bag and it was tied so tightly that he couldn't get out. He had given up hope, he was even picked up as rubbish but . . . . . the movement of the bag made Toby whimper and the shocked dustbin man quickly released the bag.

At exactly the right time an elderly lady was passing by and said she would take him home with her, then she and her friend set about putting together a temporary outdoor shelter for him. Although she couldn't give him a home she allowed him in her house for a few hours each day to keep warm. She gave him lots of fuss and fed him regularly whilst she waited to get to the top of the waiting list, Toby repaid her with lots of love and cuddles. We have been told that he is adventurous, funny, nosey and loves being with people.

At some stage during his life Toby had picked up the FIV virus which meant that his straying days were now over, he will forever be an indoor cat which will please Toby no doubt as he still loves humans despite his troubled past. We couldn't be sure how long he would take to find a home but with his good looks and beautiful sad eyes we had all paws crossed for him.

Toby found a home within a few days of being on the homing corridor and has now gone to live in his new home. We thought we would share his story as although he had a very tough start Toby now has the chance to start life in a loving new home . . . . and we all love a happy ending.