Before adopting

Please think very carefully before deciding to give a home to a cat or kitten as owning a pet is a long-term commitment.

Things to Consider

The fact that you're thinking about adopting from a cat means you're a responsible and caring person. But before you make that decision to bring a furry friend into your life, take a moment to think over these questions:

  • Why do you want a cat? It's amazing how many people fail to ask themselves this simple question before they get pets. Adopting a pet just because it's "the thing to do" or because the kids have been pining for a pet usually ends up being a big mistake. 
  • Do you have time for a cat? Cats, cannot be ignored just because you're tired or busy. They require food, water, exercise, care, and companionship every day of every year. Many cats in our shelters are there because their owners didn't realize how much time it took to care for them.
  • Can you afford a cat? The costs of cat ownership can be quite high. Veterinary care, grooming, toys, food, kitty litter, and other expenses add up quickly.
  • Are you prepared to deal with special problems that a cat can cause? Flea infestations, scratched-up furniture, accidents from animals that aren't yet house trained, and unexpected medical emergencies are unfortunate but common aspects of cat ownership.
  • Can you have a cat where you live? Many rental communities don't allow pets, and most of the rest have restrictions. Make sure you know what they are before you bring a cat home.
  • Is it a good time for you to adopt a cat? If you have kids under 6 years old, for instance, you might consider waiting a few years before you adopt a cat. Cat ownership requires children who are mature enough to be responsible. If you're a student, in the military, or travel frequently as part of your work, waiting until you settle down is wise.
  • Are your living arrangements suitable for the cat you have in mind? Do you have access to outside space do live in a rural area, town, or close to main road 
  • Do you know who will care for your cat while you're away on vacation? You'll need either reliable friends and neighbors or money to pay for a pet-sitting service.
  • Will you be a responsible cat owner? Having your cat spayed or neutered, giving your cat love, companionship, exercise, a healthy diet, and regular veterinary care are other essentials.
  • Finally, are you prepared to keep and care for the cat for his or her entire lifetime? When you adopt a pet, you are making a commitment to care for the animal for his or her lifetime. Don't forget that your cat may be with you 10, 15, even 20 years.