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Important: Our newsletter is no longer being sent by post. Please sign-up for our e-newsletter

18 December 2020
Important: Our newsletter is no longer being sent by post.  Please sign-up for our e-newsletter To save on our printing and postage costs and reduce our environmental impact, future newsletters will only be sent by email.  The newsletter will also be posted on our social media pages on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

If you are currently receiving your newsletter by post you can help by providing us with your email address. 
If you would like to be added to our emailing list please email enquiries@stockport.cats.org.uk or please call us on
0345 260 184 and leave a message.

If print is the only way that we can reach out to you please call 0345 260 1854 and confirm that you still want to hear from us. 

We need your permission to email/send our newsletter to you.  Unfortunately if we don't hear from you we will have to assume that you no longer want to receive news from us.  Please reply as soon as possible - we don't want to lose you and email is the most cost-effective way forward, thanks.

You can view our latest newsletter here: Stockport CP Winter 2020 Newsletter

Stockport Cats Protection