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Permethrin In Flea Treatments Kills Cats: Sign the Petition

18 October 2014
Permethrin can kill cats or severely injure cats even in very small quantities - but every month PDSA sees 20 cases of cat poisoning from Permethrin because owners use dog flea treatments containing Permethrin on cats. Many other vets are also reporting cases. If a cat rubs against a dog that has been treated with a Permethrin-based flea treatment it can be poisoned through ingesting the poison from its fur when it cleans itself. International Cat Care (formerly Feline Advisory Bureau: http://www.icatcare.org:8080/) are campaigning to "change the regulations so that permethrin-containing flea products would legally require dispensing by a suitably qualified person giving the opportunity for good verbal advice at the point of sale".

See the article on Permethrin poisoning - click here - and please sign the petition - click here