Lost and Found Tips

Lost and Found - Some tips                                                                                         

Cats are fickle creatures and sometimes choose to wander or perhaps have an adventure on their own. It is these occasions that cause us so much stress and worry when they don’t come home when expected.

    Firstly – Don’t Panic!

    Search the house thoroughly looking carefully in all the smallest nooks and crannies

    Check washing machines, tumble dryers etc

    Check garages, sheds and outbuildings

    Ask your neighbours to check as well – if possible ask them to leave the buildings open for a while to give the cat a chance to escape when the coast is clear

    Check with all local vets and local animal welfare bodies – including US!

    Ask regular delivery people – post, milk, newspapers – if they have seen anything on their rounds

    Make posters and leaflets and do a letterbox drop. Remember that some local authorities are particularly vigilant about fly-posting so think carefully when your place posters in public places

    A wider net could include local papers, community radio stations etc

    If all this fails and you think it possible that your cat has succumbed to a serious accident, contact your local council cleansing department who should check any recovered casualties for a microchip

    MOST IMPORTANT! – If your cat is found or returns – TELL EVERYBODY whom you have alerted and stand them down!