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Birthday girl Lee hosts party day for all ...

02 July 2018
Birthday girl Lee hosts party day for all ...

To celebrate her long career in volunteering and her 80th birthday year, Lee Herbert of Jockey Road held a ‘Charity Sale and Social’ on Saturday 30th June which was hailed a ‘great success’.

Dozens of Lee’s friends, fellow volunteers and the general animal-loving public  turned up to support not only Cats Protection but other animal charities too – including  dogs, hedgehogs and elephants – and the funds raised  totted up to just over £1,000.   

Says cat-crazy Lee: “I may be 80, but I’ve still got a lot of living and giving in me, so I thought what better way to celebrate than to hold a sale and social for as many charities as possible in one super summer garden party.  But to hold it, I needed my garden tidying up, and neighbours, friends, family and fellow Cats Protection volunteers all came to the rescue – so big thanks to them all. It was a great birthday present! My own cat welcomed everyone on the drive in the morning, but slouched off for a nap in the afternoon.”

CP’s joint coordinator, Jane Holt, confirms ‘how good it was to get together with other charities and meet up again with new and old volunteers and supporters to celebrate and raise money for good causes ‘.

Says Jane: “Our thanks to the Sutton Observer for featuring the event which we’re sure helped make it such a successful day.  Walsall Road allotments supplied some of the plants, and plant sales alone raised around £200 which will pay for an operation needed by one of the community cats. To everyone who donated prizes, volunteers who set up stalls, and the general public who came along to support us and share a great day, we and the animals are grateful.”

The charities the money will go to are Cats Protection North Birmingham, Walsall Road Community Cats, David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, Rudozem Street Dog Rescue and the local Snuffles Hedgehog Rescue. New joint coordinator Nicole Evans, who along with husband Richard manned the cake stall and refreshments all day, adds: “The day was hard work but fun, and we’re delighted to have raised so much for some very worthy causes.”


** The next animal event invite is to the PDSA Pet Hospital Open Day. This will be held on Saturday 14 July, 10.30 to 2.30 and Cats Protection volunteers will be there. It promises ‘fun for all the family – stalls, bric-a-brac, petwise MOT talks, competitions and tours'. Address is 1 Dulverton Road, Witton, B6 7EQ.