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Annual General Meeting

30 March 2013
Annual General Meeting Our 2013 AGM is being held at 7.30pm on Wednesday 17th April  at The Claregate, 34 Codsall Road, Wolverhampton WV6 9ED, and it is expected that the meeting will last about an hour.
The AGM is open to all registered members of Wolverhampton Cats Protection and is an opportunity for the Branch Committee to report to our members about their work in the last year, to answer questions and listen to your views, and to hold elections for the Committee to serve until April 2013. If you'd like to become a member, please click here to download our membership form.


1. Introductions and welcome
2. Apologies for absence
3. To elect a chair of the annual general meeting.
4. To agree the minutes of the 2012 AGM as a true record
5. Amendments to the constitution:
Amend clause 6 to insert
a) Active volunteers and regular donors shall be entitled to free membership. 
    Paid members shall renew annually. 
b) Any person adopting a cat or kitten from Wolverhampton Cats Protection shall be entitled to free
    membership from the date of adoption until the end of that calendar year. 
  [To clarify who is entitled to unpaid membership]
Amend clause 7i:
The branch committee will comprise the following 7 roles:
Welfare officer
Homing officer
Media and publicity
Volunteer Coordinator
Events and fundraising
Foster representative (must be a fosterer)
Newsletter editor
[Add volunteer coordinator, delete neutering coordinator]
Amend clause 8
The quorum for a branch meeting will be 14 members. [To align with AGM quorum]
Amend clause 9
A committee member ceases to be a member of the committee if s/he is absent from meetings for a
period of three months. In the event of illness, or other reasonable cause, this period may be extended
by the committee. [to amend period of absence from six to three months]
Officers and members of the committee shall [insert] regularly report on their area of responsibility to 
the committee.
Amendments to be moved by the branch committee.
6 Committee’s annual report.
7. Financial report and accounts.
8. Election of branch officers.
9. Election of branch committee.
10. Any other business.