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Could you be a ‘VIP’ for cats?

07 October 2015
Could you be a ‘VIP’ for cats?

The 'V' word is vital in continuing the work of the Branch - which is why CPs (small!) band of helpers love to welcome new ‘Volunteer Important People’ to the feline fold.

And in this instance, as he's sent in a great photo, first to feature is Russ Varnells.

He works in the city centre for TCNS (Total Computer & Network Support) – a firm that provides IT services and solutions to companies, education and charities across the UK - and got in touch with CP to help in any capacity he could, with his expertise lying in photography and designing brochures and posters.

Says Russ: "I work full-time and have two small boys, so the time I can offer is limited - but the enthusiasm and commitment certainly isn’t. I love all animals and would like to do some hands-on work - maybe trapping, socialising - that sort of thing - too."

So a big welcome to Russ, who has already taken some great photos and submitted them for consideration for inclusion in the 2016 Calendar. And if too late for that, maybe 2017!

The branch has a super-keen new fosterer too, Kathryn Cartwright (another great photo!), who joined in August and had the ‘delightful job’ of caring for a few weeks for two adorable kittens, Hal and Harvey – now adopted by a couple from Walsall and settled well in their forever home.

Confirms Kathryn: “We had a spare bedroom and decided to put it to good use by fostering kittens. I’ve a few health problems so am helped by Mum Judy and Dad Alex. They do the litter tray and I do the nice jobs – cuddling and feeding! It’s been a wonderful experience and I can’t wait for my next pair – they should be arriving soon.”

Erdington supporter Janette Carrick has come a ‘bit further into the fold’ too. After kindly donating lots of Cat magazines and a selection of brand-new boxed gifts that will be ‘great for the Christmas Fayre’ she’s offered to do some admin and computer work for the Branch.

Says Janette: “After Homing Officer Sheila visited to collect the goods, I went along to the Court Lane allotments open day and met the volunteers who were running the CP stall. I love cats, have two of my own, and can see what a good job CP does. I have some limitations and don’t drive but I have time to give, so I’ll have a go at anything the committee comes up with for me – computer, admin and phoning work would suit me fine.”

** Anyone inspired by the above stories to volunteer for the Branch, do please call the helpline and leave your details and/or come along to the AGM (Holly Lane URC – B24) on the 31st October.