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Covering the miles for cats ...

05 March 2016
Covering the miles for cats ...

Volunteer Pam Wood, who lives in Erdington, drove all the way to Oswestry during half term to run a cat-and-craft session – and library assistant Gwenan who’d requested a Cats Protection visit said it ‘was a good day, with lots of happy noises’.

Pam confirmed there were ’17 children booked for the fun session so, with their parents and carers alongside, there was quite a crowd’.

Says Pam: “The day covered the work CP does, story-telling, a ‘seek and find’ activity and, of course, lots of interaction with the excited participants sharing their own cat tales and experiences. Craft activity included colouring cat masks, making trinket boxes, decorating cat cut outs – and using up lots of glitter! And yes, it was way out of the North Birmingham area, but I really didn’t mind the drive, and was happy to spread the cat care message.”

Pam Wood, pictured supporting Sheila Pennell at a local CP talk, made a round-trip of around 130 miles to Oswestry to set-up a library-based feline-fun-and-education day for youngsters.

‘A great but tiring day – and the first time Pam had taken on such a major, long-distance Cats Protection commitment on her own’. Well done, Pam!

** During February half-term, volunteers ran child-friendly sessions at two Birmingham libraries too - Shard End and Tower Hill - and hope to run similar events at more venues throughout the year.