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A gift in your Will could help change the lives of thousands of cats and kittens for years to come

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The difference you could make

Without the kindness of people who remember Cats Protection in their Will we would not be the charity we are today; these special gifts fund more than half of everything we do.

By leaving a gift in your Will, you will be helping us keep the special promise that underpins all of our vital work: that we will never put a healthy cat to sleep.

Every gift we receive from our supporters, no matter how large or small, makes a real and tangible difference to the lives of the cats and kittens we help and care for.

After providing for your loved ones, by leaving even just 1% of your estate to Cats Protection, you could make a huge difference to cats and kittens for years to come.

What will you pass on to the cats of tomorrow?

  • With a gift of £500 you could feed 400 cats for a week
  • By leaving £3,000 you could shelter unwanted cats for years to come in a new foster pen
  • £10,000 left in your will could rescue strays and take poorly cats to the vets in a new Cats Protection van
  • A gift of £15,000 could neuter 500 cats, preventing thousands of unwanted kittens being born
  • A larger gift could fund the opening of a new centre, the set-up of a new branch or the opening of a new shop to raise even more funds.

A gift in your Will can make a life-changing difference to thousands of cats for years to come.

If you have any questions about leaving a gift in your Will, please don’t hesitate to Contact Us

Why gifts in Wills matter

By remembering Cats Protection in your Will, you could help us make a better life for even more cats for years to come. Almost half the cats we help are cared for thanks to the kindness of people who remember us in this way.

How the cats benefit

How to contact us

If you have any questions about remembering Cats Protection in your Will then you may find the answer in our useful FAQ page. If you have any other questions, or if there is anything else you would like us to help you with, then you can contact us in a variety of ways.

For more information about remembering Cats Protection in your will, please ask for a free copy of our Gifts in Wills information booklet using our online form.

If you have already remembered Cats Protection in your will then there is no obligation to tell us, but we would love to hear from you. You can tell us using our online pledge form, but rest assured that anything you do tell us will be treated in the strictest confidence and is not legally binding in any way.

Gifts in Wills Team contact details
If you have any other questions, or if there is anything else you would like to talk about with our Gifts in Wills advisors, Matt, Becky and Caroline, then we are always happy to help. Please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Telephone: 01825 741 271
Post: Gifts in Wills Team, National Cat Centre, Chelwood Gate, Haywards Heath RH17 7TT

You can also support us by making a donation.

Request our information pack

Online pledge form

We’ve partnered with two specialists to create our free Will writing offer – giving you the chance to write or amend a simple Will for free. You could have an expertly written Will at no cost to you.

Free Will writing

Sign up for our Cat Guardians service

The Cat Guardians Service helps individuals plan for their cat's future. In the event of your death, we can make sure your cat will be well looked after in one of our branches and centres before finding them a loving home.

Find out more about Cat Guardians

Memory wall

Our Memory Wall is a lovely way to celebrate the life of a cat who has sadly passed away. Here are some treasured memories from cat lovers and families, who have suffered the loss of their much-loved cat.

Visit our Memory Wall

Gifts in Wills FAQs and glossary

If you have any questions about gifts in Wills, take a look at our FAQs and glossary which have everything you need to fully understand the process.

If there's anything still not clear or you'd like help with, please contact us and we'd be happy to help.

Frequently asked questions

Legacy glossary

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