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Want to do your own thing to make life better for cats? Simply let us know about your fundraising plans or get inspired by our list of ideas. We’ll cheerlead you every step of the way.

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What is a DIY fundraiser?

Fundraising your way, also known as do-it-yourself (DIY) fundraising, means you choose exactly how you want to fundraise for Cats Protection, organising the event yourself. This style of fundraising is flexible and creative, and means you can use your passions, hobbies and interests for good.

Fundraise for cats like Sid, Dave and Stanley

We share our lives with cats. They bring happiness to millions of us every day. Yet too many cats don’t get the care and kindness they deserve. 
 The first weeks of a kitten’s life are crucial. It’s when they start to see, hear and stand on their own four paws. Sid, Dave and Stanley were just six weeks old when we were alerted to them wandering, abandoned and alone, on a deserted country lane. They were cold, hungry and in desperate need of vet treatment. Left any longer, the kittens wouldn’t have survived. 

We brought Sid, Dave and Stanley into one of our Cats Protection centres. Because of people like you, who make our work possible, the kittens were finally given the round-the-clock care and compassion they deserved. All three kittens recovered from their traumatic start in life and are now safe, healthy and thriving in new homes, looked after by people who love them.

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