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In memory of

My best friend and soul mate Gü (Gübee, Goose, Goosey, Gübes) passed away in my arms on Tuesday 17th November 2020 at her veterinary practice after a short battle with terminal inoperable cancer. She was the light of my life, and our bond was indescribable. She knew whenever I was angry or sad and would stay beside me for as long as it took, purring until I stopped crying and my breathing calmed. She was by my side when I struggled with health problems and struggled to get through sixth form, and then university, and she was there with me when I finally graduated in October 2019. She welcomed my two little kittens in 2016 (a brother and sister pair that I fell in love with) and she loved them as if they were her own blood siblings. She lead me to Suki's body (she was the sister from my brother & sister pair) when she had been hit by a car and passed away, I had been searching for her for 24 hours, and Gü quietly and lovingly lead me to where Suki had passed away. Gü comforted me through everything and the hole left in my heart is far greater than anything I have experienced in over 10 years. Gü, you were my soulmate, best friend and little girl. I love you, and will always love you. Thank you for everything.

by Samantha Ogilvie

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  • Haylea

    November 23, 2020

    Thank you for sharing your story. My baby boy also had to be put to sleep with a similar condition. I'm also heart broken and I feel your pain. He was aged just 12 and I thought I had many more years with him. My little man used to pull me through the hard times and he enchanted anyone who met him. I'm devastated, but told time is a healer. I'm going to have a photo memory book made and a necklace made from some of his ashes so he's always with me - this might be something you want to consider too. I'm sorry for your loss

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