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Farnham, Camberley & District Spring Appeal

Moggies have long been getting a bad reputation. Online searches and even the dictionary define these non-pedigree cats as ‘unremarkable’. But we know this simply isn’t true.

Whether they’re a knowledgeable kitty, timid tabby, friendly feline, serial sleeper or a playful puss; each is full of purrsonality and has lots of love to give. They're more than ‘just a moggy’.

Cats becoming stray is the most common reason our care is needed and worryingly, the number of vulnerable moggies needing our help is rising.

Without the generosity and kindness of the Farnham, Camberley & District community, stray moggies would be lacking the support and safety that they often so desperately need.

Could you help stray moggies in Farnham, Camberley & District?

A gift from you can help stray moggies find a furever home as mognificent as they are. Each donation made goes directly towards helping cats in Farnham, Camberley & District reach their happily ever after.

Give to help cats like Jerry Lee

Poor Jerry Lee, If only he could talk, and tell us his sad story. He was handed in by a member of the public having been seen limping badly on his foot while rummaging in a bin for scraps.

Jerry was in huge discomfort; his elbow was so swollen it wouldn't bend correctly and it turned out he had a massive abscess on it from fighting. Jerry Lee had mostly likely spent much of his life on the streets, he was coved with scars, scabs, dirt, and fleas. Who would want a battered street boy that had known nothing of love and comfort?

Time is a great healer though, with TLC and medications his elbow improved, and he started walking better. He was treated for fleas, his coat was groomed and slowly he started to love life and a comfy bed. Jerry Lee is now in foster care, he is gentle and affectionate and loving all the attention, especially brushing, so he is looking so much smarter! Now we just have to find a very special home, for this very special ex-street cat

Farnham, Camberley & District
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