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In memory of Sox

I vividly remember my first memory with him was not when we first saw/got him but the first night. I got into bed and felt something cold under the covers, i looked and the poor little kitten had gone toilet in my bed i was angry at first but turns out it was just the start of his mischievous ways, from climbing into christmas trees and throwing the baubles off the tree, hiding on top of fridge watching us panic he is missing as we cant find him to the last time he just simply taunted the dogs downstairs for no reason. I loved him and he loved me, I was his cat dad and always will be, I miss him so so much and always will. He was my first pet and I will always remember him. Currently it has been 2 days since he was put to sleep but I will always remember the day he went as the day I returned the favour of easing his pain and suffering just as he helped me with mine with all the cuddles he gave, the laughter he caused and the joy he brought to my life and to my heart. R.I.P Sox Oct 2 2007 - May 7th 2024 You will always be missed and never forgotten ❤️

by Lewis Miller

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  • Catherine

    May 12, 2024

    Hello I feel your grief. We had to put to sleep ourc19 year old cat on the 0th of May, he sustained injuries from probably a car. He was deaf, had no teeth left , arthritis and dementia. But he was the most beautiful loving boy. A homely in his later years who was always by our side. I'm not sure how we will get over this. Sending thoughts of comfort to you on your loss. 💔

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