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If you have a story or some words of advice that you think may be of comfort to someone who is going through the pain of losing a cat, please share it in the space below. For example, you could write about how you felt about having your cat euthanased, how you helped a child grieve the loss of their pet or something that helped you through difficult times.

Dos and Don’ts

Thank you for considering sharing your thoughts and comments with Cats Protection and other cat lovers. Please remember that people visiting this page may have only recently been bereaved and may be struggling with difficult issues and emotions. To make this page a place of comfort and help for everyone, we ask that you follow a few simple guidelines.


  • Share stories, advice and experiences you think may be of comfort to others
  • Be helpful and understanding
  • Be respectful and sensitive to others’ feelings
  • Be friendly and polite


  • Swear, threaten or be abusive
  • Post off-topic comments
  • Behave in a way that is likely to hurt others’ feelings or cause offence
  • Name individual living people without permission

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We will process your data for administrative purposes and to contact you about your submission.

Please visit / terms - privacy if you have any questions about how we use your data

We reserve the right to delete any comments or ban any user who infringes these guidelines.

Please note we don't monitor this page twenty four hours a day and it is specifically for people struggling with cat bereavement and related issues. We are unable to give urgent advice or opinions on your cat's health or behaviour. For medical problems, please consult your vet.

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