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Would you like to get involved with Cats Protection campaigns?

Advocacy volunteering

Our Advocacy & Government Relations team is based at the National Cat Centre in Chelwood Gate, Sussex.

If you are interested in finding out more about how you can help our advocacy work - perhaps by letter writing, sharing campaigns online or even gathering evidence, please get in contact with us.

Please email:

Follow us on Twitter: @CPAdvocacy

We always need evidence to support our campaigns. Contact us at with as much detail as possible if you have experienced any of the following in the last 12 months

  • a cat you purchased that was poorly, or was sold to you under eight weeks of age
  • a cat attacked and injured by a dog
  • a cat caught in a snare
  • a cat shot with an air gun
  • a cat poisoned by contact with cut lilies

This information is vital to support our work. Thank you to everyone who has helped us so far.

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