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Overweight cat Paisley's new diet plan – and tips to keep your cat a healthy weight.

A cat weighing more than 1st 7lb (9.5kg) has been put on a diet after she shocked Cats Protection staff with her immense size.

Four-year-old black-and-white cat Paisley weighed more than double the typical 8lb (3.6kg) for a healthy cat when she was brought to Cats Protection’s National Cat Adoption Centre in Sussex in October.

overweight black and white cat

She was so large that staff and volunteers had to help her to clean herself and put her on a vet-prescribed diet to help her lose weight.

Now down to 1st 6lb (9kg), Paisley has been adopted by an owner who will help her continue her weight loss journey.

Cats Protection is keen to highlight her story in time for Christmas, when owners could be tempted to over-feed their pets.


Tania Marsh, Deputy Manager of the centre, said: “When I saw Paisley I thought she was the fattest cat I’d ever seen!

“I've been with Cats Protection for 13 years and we see some cats on the larger side sometimes but nothing to this extent.

“She was loved with food, if you like. She was a mainly indoor cat and didn't get many opportunities to exercise.

chubby cat sitting on blanket

“Because of her weight, she is still at significant risk of diabetes, arthritis and heart trouble so the new owner will be keeping Paisley on her special diet until she can reach a healthy weight.”


Top tips for keeping your cat healthy

1. Weigh out their food

Be careful not to overfill bowls, and if you give your cat treats, reduce the overall amount of food you provide them.


2. Encourage daily exercise 

Take the time to play with your cat using a fishing-rod toy or place their daily ration of food inside feeding puzzles to encourage them to work for their meals.


3. Avoid human treats 

Many cats cannot digest cow’s milk products such as milk or cheese and chocolate contains a compound that can be toxic to cats. It’s advisable to give your cat approved cat treats while reducing their other food accordingly.


4. Speak to your vet

If your cat is overweight then seek the advice of your vet before embarking on any change of diet for your cat.


5. Avoid ‘crash diets’

Never starve overweight cats. A gradual, steady decrease in body weight is ideal. It can take up to a year for a severely overweight cat to reach their ideal body condition.

For more advice on keeping your cat healthy, visit

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