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Veterinary Discount Schemes

Practices providing veterinary services to cats in the care of Cats Protection (CP) branches and adoption centres can help the charity’s money go further, by signing up the CP discount schemes.

Due to Cats Protection’s charity status and the volume of products purchased across the UK, we are lucky to be able to access substantial discounts. Ultimately the huge savings that veterinary practices can help us to achieve will enable us to care for more cats across the country and increase our standards of care.

Veterinary Discount Schemes - PDF - 295KB - Download

Discounted FIV PCR Tests

The Veterinary Department have negotiated a discount on the confirmatory FIV PCR test at Langford Veterinary Services Diagnostic Laboratory (part of the University of Bristol).

This test is needed when an in-house blood test (Virbac Speed Duo test kit) produces a positive result for FIV in apparently healthy cats. Confirmation of FIV must be done by an external laboratory and Langford is a respected and reliable laboratory.

In order for CP to obtain the discounted price and for the charity to be billed directly for the test, please complete the CP submission form for Langford, including:

  • The name and details of the submitting vet
  • If known, the CP centre or branch code (which is a 4 or 5 digit number generated from the CP Accounts Department and is not the same as a wholesaler scheme account code. Branch account codes start with a 7. AC account codes start with a 3.)
  • The cat name, CP number and microchip number
  • The name of the CP branch or centre (under ‘owners name’)

Langford submission forms for CP can be obtained by clicking the link below or by ringing the lab direct.

The lab will invoice CP directly at our discounted rate and the CP Accounts Department will cross charge the CP branch or centre.

For further information on when and how to use confirmatory tests, please refer to the FIV/FeLV flowcharts on the Vet protocols and resources page or in the CP manual.

Langford submission forms for CP - PDF - Download

Langford freepost label 

Commonly ordered veterinary products

This list includes a limited number of veterinary products, on some of which, following veterinary appraisal of suitability in the CP rescue environment, a significant central discount has been negotiated.

  • Commonly ordered products list - PDF - 174KB - Download

Recent updates

Below are recent updates to any of our preferred products or their use.

  • CP's Routine Parasite Control Procedures - PDF - Download
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