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Whether you're a new streamer or an established content creator, we want to help with your fundraising. Here's a selection of useful files you can use in the planning and during your fundraising.
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Resources for on your stream:

To help you promote your stream we've put together these resources:


So you can talk confidently about the work Cats Protection does we've put some talking points and links to further useful information:

Need to take a break?

That’s a great place to put some cat content! We’ve put together some quick links to some popular video topics you might want to include in your streaming or fundraising. If you can’t find what you’re looking for here, you can check out the rest of our library on Youtube.

Facts about cats

Want to stun and amaze your audience with your knowledge of cats and the incredible work that Cats Protection does?

Why not share these nuggets of information on your break screen, share while you stream or play a quiz to find out what your supporters already know! You could give out prizes for anyone that guesses correctly.

Need more stats about cats? Check out our Cats and Their Stats Report. 

CATS report

UK cat stats

  • There are around 11 million owned cats in the UK. That means that just over one in four households own a cat
  • 92% of owners consider their cat part of the family
  • 90% of owners spend time stroking their cat or sitting together every day, with 72% regularly talking to their cat
  • 45% of cat owners say their cat gives them something to get up for in the morning, with this statistic being higher for 18 to 34-year-old and female owners, both at 50%
  • 10% of owned cats are not registered with a vet, approximately 1.1 million cats
  • Between January and May 2023, relinquishment of cats for financial reasons was up 48% compared to the same period in 2022
  • Cats tend to be bought (32%), adopted from a UK rehoming charity (24%) or have been taken on from a neighbour, family member or friend (17%)
  • Overall, 63% of cats purchased were found online, up from 61% in 2022. However, those buying from Facebook has decreased to 19% (down from 24% in 2022), this follows campaigning by Cats Protection for the platform to clamp down on live animal sales that are banned by Facebook
  • Up to around 3 million cats are potentially without a microchip. All pet cats in England must be microchipped by 10 June 2024. The new rules means that cats must be microchipped before they reach the age of 20 weeks, except for unowned cats like feral and community cats. Indoor-only cats must be microchipped as well 

In 2023 Cats Protection:

  • helped 184,000 cats and kittens. That’s 500 a day!
  • had 9,200 volunteers give their dedication, skills and time to help cats across the UK
  • handled 161,000 enquiries from members of the public via our National Information Line and many more via our regional teams
  • saw a 12% increase in the number of cats being given up to us for financial reasons compared to the previous year, and fewer people are able to take on a new cat due to cost concerns
  • in the last five years, our websites have been visited over 29 million times and we currently have a combined total of over 977,000 followers on social media. Our information work aims to have the long-term impact of changing attitudes and behaviours within society so that people are better informed and understand how to take a more responsible view of cat ownership and welfare
  • helped 229 cat owners flee domestic abuse by providing 366 cats with temporary, loving foster homes through our pet fostering service, Lifeline
  • provided compassionate emotional support and practical information for 1,550 supporters grieving the loss of their cats on our free and confidential Paws to Listen service
  • provided over 43,000 meals to cat owners who are struggling to feed their pets, though our Community Kitty scheme
  • made arrangements and cared for 181 cats whose owners had passed away, through our Cat Guardians scheme 
What impact could my fundraising have?

We are incredibly grateful for all donations that we receive, no matter the amount! 

And remember, you're not just raising funds, you're also raising awareness and creating a better life for cats by promoting good welfare.

Here are some examples of the huge difference your fundraising could make to the cats in our care. 

  • £5.70 could provide a cat in our care with vet bedding to line their bed or Feline Fort, which will keep them warm and cosy
  • £14.79 could pay for a Feliway diffuser and refill which is used for preventing and reducing stress of cats in our care
  • £22.05 would cover the cost of a first veterinary examination for a cat in our care
  • £80 would cover the cost to treat a cat with matted fur
  • £221 could pay for a small operation for one of the cats in our care
  • £357.15 could cover the cost of ringworm treatment for three cats in our care
  • £2,750 could pay for the building of a brand-new pen, allowing more cats to benefit from our love and expert care
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