We are very grateful to the caring people who have kindly chosen to share their experiences and advice. We hope you find strength and comfort in their words. If you would like to add your own words of comfort and advice, please click the button below.
The comments expressed are the thoughts and views of the authors only and are not the views of the Charity. The Charity reserves the right to remove anything posted on this page anything which it deems inappropriate or unacceptable. The Charity will not engage in any correspondence should it remove such comments.
Jade Walker
I rescued my old boy Tommy from Cats Protection when he was 16. I was a little apprehensive at first as I had never rescued a cat, but he quickly settled in and became my real mate. He was a confident tabby, who quickly ruled the roost with his funny little ways. When my partner went away for 6 months, Tommy was the best company. He was very vocal, his chats were my favourite thing about him, he was so friendly, funny and loving. Tommy made it to the grand age of 19, we had him for 2.5 years, far longer than expected when we first got him. We were so grateful to have him and look after him in his older years. Coming home from work and to not be greeted by his chirpy miaow’s is hard, but I am so grateful for all his lovely memories he gave us. We rescued Tommy, but Tommy will never know how much we needed him and how much he meant to us, he was the best boy.
Susan Ford
Wendy died just over a week ago and it has taken me until now to be able to put pen to paper. She was a wonderful cat and we had 18 wonderful years together, the majority of them just her and me. I miss her dreadfully. She was such a vocal cat and the house seems so quiet and empty without her. She treated my husband and I like staff. Expecting meals on time, doors opened on demand and an unlimited supply of treats. She loved being brushed, she loved to sunbath and chase leaves in the garden. She loved her food, prawns in particular, and quickly became a big fluffy spoilt cat. But the unconditional love, support and companionship she gave back in return was the best gift anyone could ever receive. I am struggling to come to terms with her passing. She has left an immense hole in our lives and they will never be the same again. The finality of death is so brutal. However, I keep reminding myself that the pain I’m feeling now is more than eclipsed by the love I felt and still feel, for my old friend. Until we meet again beautiful girl. XX
Lauren Scott
I collected Milo at 6 weeks old. He stole my heart within minutes of meeting him. Milo was a tabby cat with 4 white socks, a fluffy white chest & an extra large fluffy white belly. As he grew in size, he also grew in appetite. His favourite thing in this whole world was his cat treats. He was full of chat, chirping, purring & most of all giving everyone little head bops. During the course of my marriage breakdown, Milo was my constant companion. He was so sensible & empathetic. Knowing when I was extra low, he would lie on top of me in bed & cuddle in close. Milo was my chosen baby. I treated him like a proper child - in turn, he let me be his mummy. Milo passed away last Wednesday morning. The vet is still unsure exactly what caused it but I feel so much guilt thinking how he may have been in pain & I didn't even know. Every time I look at the sofa recliner I think of you. Every inch of my home is full of memories of his little fluffy face. I spent your whole life loving you & now I'll spend the rest of my life missing you. Being your mummy was the best gift in the whole wide world. I will never ever forget you. Lots of love from mummy & your baby fur-brother Diego xxx
Jessica Scull
My gosh it’s been the hardest few days. I adopted Moo, a beautiful grey petite Persian who had such a hard start to life, found on the streets with kittens in Egypt. She joined me in February 2021, like my little valentine, she showered me with warmth and love, she was my family, my world. Moo was diagnosed with kidney failure and over the last few weeks her breathing and kidney disease became worse.. she was barely eating and her happy demeanour and habits changed… I made the choice to let her go, peacefully before she got worse, there was no cure. There is a huge part of me that feels horrendously guilty, does she think I gave up on her? Did I give up on her? Should I have fought more and tried more treatments? My heart is broken, my world feels very bleak, you aren’t in your favourite spots, your food bowl is gone, your hair everywhere will be missed beyond words. I love you my sassy Moo Moo, I wish we could have had more time together but my gosh, I love you dearly, I always will. 31.01.2025 🌈 Your mummy Jess xxx
Renata Pucci
Louis found me when I was taking a stroll on the grounds is my local church. He was scared and sitting alone in a corner when out eyes clocked. I could not ignore him and because he was dirty and abandoned, I took him home. He had no microchip so I took him in. Louis was the most affectionate cat ever. He gave me so much love and I try to match it in return. His health was poor and we were at the vets often. My baby passed away yesterday in our living room. It was a long passing and I don’t know how to cope with the memory of it at the moment. I hope to get better. I did everything I could to make you healthier, Louis, but God decided it was your time to go and be next to him. I love you immensely. Rest, my baby.
Jessica Theaker
Bonnie had been at the RSPCA branch the longest out of all the cats. We were told she didn’t like going near people but as soon as we opened her pod she came out and sat on all our laps. She really chose us. I got her when I was 10 and she died a couple of days ago at 15 years old. She had a long and happy life and died peacefully and quickly in my arms but it still feels so unfair that she’s gone I miss her so much. I was completely heartbroken and still am but if anyone is reading this and struggling it is genuinely getting easier every day that she’s gone. I know she’s at peace and no longer in pain. I want my baby back but I know that I will be okay and you will be okay as well x
Tiffany Dobson
Lola was everything to me. She was a tiny tuxedo cat, with big green eyes and white whiskers. Despite being 10 years she was smaller than my 7 month kitten which left her very disgruntled. She was a grumpy lady to everyone but me and a select few. I loved her so much. She slept on my shoulder every night and would purr in my ear and pad, and although it kept me from sleeping so many times I loved her and knew she was being nice so I'd leave her to it. Every night I let her in she would trill to say hello and grump if I took too long, and would make herself at home on her chosen perch that evening. I thought I'd have so much longer with you, you were going to me my granny and I'd see you get old and grey in our flat. I suppose no amount of time would have been enough, I'm so glad I got to love you and call you mine. I'm going to miss you so much my baby, please be good P.S. Try not to pee on grandad up there, he will not take kindly to it
Jamie Lee Logan
Mr Pickle was my best friend. My absolute world. I called him my little man. I collected him through cats protection back in March 2021, when you couldn’t visit, you could only select the cat you’d like to adopt online from pictures. His little heart shaped nose stood out to me and I knew we’d have so much love to give. His favourite things to do were sunbathing in the garden hours and hours on end. I never knew I could love someone so much as I did him. Unfortunately he suddenly started deteriorating over the past few weeks and we knew it was time. I haven’t stopped crying since Saturday morning when we said our goodbye. My little man I hope you know how much we loved you. I can’t wait until we bring you home 💙
Jill Beecher
My little boy came to me in July 2014 along with his brother, Murdoch. He was diagnosed with diabetes in June 2024. The vet and I never managed to get it under control. I came to the conclusion that something else was wrong so he went for tests on Thursday. When he came home he deteriorated quickly and I couldn’t bear to see it for a minute longer so I made the decision to let him go yesterday. The vet agreed. My heart is truly broken. I miss him coming to jump on me and ask me for food. The house is so empty without him even though I have three other beautiful boys. I love you so much my Luther.
Anita Ballone
Benga came to me in May 2009. I’ve had family cats before but she was my first very own cat. It wasn’t long before she became my Velcro cat. She followed me everywhere I went, trusted me only, stared at me constantly like I was so interesting. I was the best thing in the world to her, her rock, her protector. She could never hurt a fly, she never scratched or bit anyone, never hunted or killed anything. If you were to give her a mouse or bird she would probably just tap at it and follow it around. Her favourite toy was a water bottle cap and she loved to eat her fancy feast. She was literally the sweetest, most gentle and timid soul. Beginning of December 2024, her health started rapidly declining and she was diagnosed with kidney failure, and I had her put to sleep on December 7th 2024. Back around 2016 or 2017, I remember watching a YouTube video about someone struggling with the loss of their cat and how devastating that experience was, and I recall looking at Benga who was lying peacefully beside me, and I felt relieved knowing that we still had so much time left, the moment felt like it was still so far away. I thought about that while she was going to sleep for the last time, knowing that I would never see her again. It’s been a month now, and my heart is still very broken. I haven’t been myself at all, I have no drive, no energy, I miss her so much. It all just happened so fast, I wish I’d had longer to cherish my last moments with her. I miss you so much everyday Benga❤️🩹😔 I’ll meet you again at the crossroads. ❤️-Anita-
Victoria Morey
Dear William, how I miss you, my handsome boy came to me unexpectedly, in December 2010, an unwanted kitten. We felt we were not ready for another cat after losing Shamie, I tried to find you a home but none seemed appropriate so we ended up keeping you, it was the best decision of my life, I absolutely loved you, unconditional love. You were such a lovely boy, you were loving, greedy, naughty and a hunter! When we moved to Cornwall in 2015, you were living the dream, you, made friends with the neighbors, some enemies of the local cats and pillaged the wildlife. Then last year you began to act strange and after many vet visits and tests they said you had dementia, on the 9/9/24 I made the heartbreaking decision to have you put to sleep. It was the hardest decision of my life, I felt guilty and I still do. I miss you William, I miss you every single day, I think of you every single day but in my heart I know I made the right decision and that you had the best life and were truly loved and spoiled. I have your paw prints, ashes and photos and I look at them every day. Thank for enriching my life for 14 years, there will never be another you . I love you william xx
Janice Ward
Tonight we had to say goodbye to Lyla, having just said goodbye to Nancy under two weeks ago. Nancy had deteriorated very suddenly, having stopped eating for two days over Christmas. Lyla had had a toe removed in September and the prognosis looked good. However, over the last week she’d started limping and a lump appeared on the thigh of the same leg. Today we had to say goodbye to her too. The pain my son and I feel is almost impossible to put into words. We had to wake up Lyla from underneath a blanket to take her to the vet. While we know we did the right thing and the amazing vet confirmed this, we still feel like we murdered her. I know this isn’t true and any care given could only have been palliative. These two cats were members of the family, and have been the most amazing companions and the house is now so quiet and empty. Words cannot adequately express how much they were loved. To anyone out there experiencing the loss of a much loved pet, we send our words of comfort. They will never be forgotten and live in our hearts forever.
Jackie Slater
Cocoa was a stray and he chose us back in Sept 2018, no-one claimed him and he was not microchipped. He was a domestic short-hair with tabby markings, a beige pair of socks and black goth-like lips, completely gorgeous. We called him Cocoa as he looked that he had chocolate all around his mouth. He would step over me, like a platform, then plunk himself into his favourite servant, my husband Roy. He was such a good cat, he would go out and scratch his claws on our trees and not touch our indoor furniture. He had a very loud meow (which sounded like "meh" ) and a very loud purr. Sadly, he ended up with multiple organ failure at the approx age of 12-14 years old, so we had to let him go back in May 2024, we can say that this was (and still is) the worst day of our lives. He is now buried in our garden. We miss Cocoa terribly, we still get very emotional when we think of him. We hope that one day that we will be able to add another cat to our household but he or she will never replace Cocoa. Cocoa was the first cat who we have owned, or rather he owned us! He was very special and we will never forget him. We talk about Cocoa everyday. Cocoa is our angel-cat now and not too far away. I'm sure that he would like us to rescue another cat but we are not ready yet. When will we be ready for another cat? Hopefully, one day...
Tracey Harrison
Stella was the absolute love of my life. She turned up on my doorstep 13 years ago at the age of 2 looking for a home. I fell in love with her the moment I set eyes on her. It has just been the 2 of us for 13 years and she was my everything. She was diagnosed with a tumor on her liver 6 months ago and I did everything in my power to keep her comfortable for as long as possible. Sadly, 4 weeks ago she became so very poorly that I had to make, what was the hardest decision of my life, to end her pain. I continue to live with the guilt and I am struggling to see past this right now. I know deep down that I made the right decision for her but my heart has never hurt so much. I’m trying to find comfort in the fact that I gave her the best life and she could not have been more loved. The house is so empty, I pray that I get a sign from her that she is in a happy place, is pain free and has found a spot to laze in the sunshine and play. I sleep with her ashes by my bed as it’s the only way I can feel close to her. I will love and miss her forever and I hope once the pain becomes more bearable that I can remember all the good times and joy that we shared. I love you Stella 🐾
Jamie Campbell
Hi, I just wanted to post a message about our little Black Cat Jinx who was sadly and suddenly taken from us in a road accident on New Years Eve. We'd had him as a rescue cat. He was a feral kitten and through a charity he came to live with us for 4 lovely years. He was my little dude, loving and friendly. We'd chill, relax and unwind together, and head bump each other. He had a funny little meow call and loved trying to trip us all up when we walked passed him and also would come on walks with us when we took the dogs out! It's going to be hard to realise he's not going to be with us anymore. He'll live long and forever in my heart and mind. If I can take anything into the New Year with me it's that we gave him a good little life. He was happy and healthy, he had a great character and personality and although gone way too soon, I'm grateful to have him with us in our journey through life. Like many people on here I just wanted to share our cat's name and to know he was loved by all the family. Will miss you little Jinxy and my thoughts are with you all who grieve for a pet as they are family members too, gone but not forgotten. Take care everyone.