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Cat Men Do: Cute things cat dads do for their moggies

As our recent Cat Men Do campaign proved, there are thousands of proud cat dads out there who are happy to shout about how much they love their moggies.

Even though we’ve received lots of adorable messages and photos from these moggy-loving men, we’re sure there are many more that are yet to open up about their feline affections.

To encourage more cat dads to come clean about their feelings, we’ve asked some cat-loving men to share their cute confessions about being crazy for cats…


Cat and his dad going through the calendar

man holding black and white kitten pointing at calendar

Moose the kitten being shown his upcoming appointments

“My six-month-old kittens Moose and Dottie are the most affectionate cats I’ve ever owned and now I’ve got a constant craving for kitten cuddles. So much so, that when I am away from home for more than a day, I worry they’ll forget me and not want to curl up next to me when I get back.

"Luckily, I’ve devised a strategy of talking them through our calendar each week so they know what’s coming up. They get updates on when their vet appointments are, when they’re going to have to endure their flea medication and when mummy and daddy will be away for the weekend, so grandma will be popping in to feed them. I’m sure deep down, they appreciate the forewarning…”


Cat dad constructs a cardboard houses for his cat

cardboard box turned into cat house

A lovingly constructed cat house complete with cosy blankets

“I won’t throw away a delivery box if one of our cats takes a shine to it! I always feel sorry for them that they don’t have their own cat bed – even though we’ve bought them loads of beds over the years that they have roundly ignored.

"It drives my wife mad that we have massive Amazon boxes just sitting around. My latest creation is a cat house. The boxes eventually go in the recycling once the cats get bored of them.”


Daddy, baby and cat story-time friends 

Man reading a story to a baby and Daisy the cat

Daisy enjoying storytime (and a snooze!)

“My 16-year-old ginger tom Daisy (long story) has been joining in with father/son storytime with my two-year-old since he was born. It’s super cute, especially when Daisy rubs his face on the book corners, only for my son to berate him with an exasperated 'No Daisy!'”


Cat dad serves up a special dinner 

bowl of cat food biscuits

Lily's 'Biscuit Island' treat

“At the weekend I like to make our cat Lily a special dinner called ‘Biscuit Island’. It’s a cat-friendly concoction consisting of an ‘island’ of biscuits and cat soup in the middle. I then add her favourite treats as a tasty topping and even let her choose her favourite flavour (she head bumps the sachet to let me know!).”


Cat-loving man builds a cat igloo 

black and white cat inside igloo

An icy lookout spot for Felix

“Here is a picture of my cat Felix a few years ago. He loved playing in the snow so I built him an igloo which he used as a sentry box until it melted. As you can see when he was not on sentry duty he liked to relax on my bed or on me.”

black and white cat sleeping on man's chest

Felix taking a well-earned break

Do you have a Cat Men Do confession? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook or Twitter! Find out more about what Cat Men Do.

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